Monday 21 May 2018

Agricultural Buildings:-

Agricultural Buildings:-

Class Q of the General Permitted Development Planning Order

Last month the Government changed Class Q of the General Permitted Development Planning order to increase the floor area and amount of dwellings that can be formed within agricultural buildings.  This does include up to 3 no. larger dwellings with a cumulative floor area of no more than 465 sq m² or up to 5 no. smaller dwellings each having no larger than 100 sq m².  In essence the increase allows greater flexibility in permitted development rights to form dwellings within your agricultural buildings, the numbers unfortunately include any previous developments under Class Q, however, the definition of a smaller dwelling does increase the number of properties that can be included and opens up different scenarios for a mixture of properties within permitted development rights.
Those who have already converted buildings under the old Class Q now have the opportunity to add further conversions if they can meet the tests of the new Class Q definition.  The agricultural buildings have to have been in agricultural use on the 20th March 2013 and if they have been redundant since this date the agricultural use has to have the last use.  The Class Q still requires that transport, highways, noise, contamination, flood risk are all taken in to account together with whether the location or siting of building makes it otherwise in practical or undesirable for a building to change from an agricultural building to a new dwelling. 

Overall this is an improvement that can benefit agricultural estates and allows greater flexibility in the conversion of redundant or under used agricultural buildings in to dwellings that would allow the buildings to be sold, rented and converted or indeed provide accommodation for family members.  With this in mind a simple site visit can assess the likelihood of compliance with the permitted development rights 6th April 2018 to see if this can benefit you.

Those who have already converted buildings under the old permitted development rights now have an opportunity to add further conversions if they can meet the requirements of the new Class Q permitted development rights.  The amended development rights now allow for:
·         Up to 3 no. larger dwellings with a maximum cumulative floor space of up to 465 sq m².
·         Up to 5 no. smaller dwellings each with no larger than 100 sq m of residential floor space.
·         A mixture of larger and smaller dwelling houses with a total of no more than 5 no. dwelling houses, of which no more than 3 no. maybe larger dwelling houses.
If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact us using our website